All reviews here are purely personal opinions and do not intend to degrade or glorify the work of others. Everyone has their own reading tastes. Thank you.
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sumber: Goodreads |
Title: The
Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea
Author: Axie
Publication: 22 February 2022
Pages: 337 pages
Language: English
Deadly storms have ravaged Mina’s homeland for generations.
Floods sweep away entire villages, while bloody wars are waged over the few
remaining resources. Her people believe the Sea God, once their protector, now
curses them with death and despair. In an attempt to appease him, each year a
beautiful maiden is thrown into the sea to serve as the Sea God’s bride, in the
hopes that one day the “true bride” will be chosen and end the suffering.
Many believe that Shim Cheong, the most beautiful girl in the
village—and the beloved of Mina’s older brother Joon—may be the legendary true
bride. But on the night Cheong is to be sacrificed, Joon follows Cheong out to
sea, even knowing that to interfere is a death sentence. To save her brother,
Mina throws herself into the water in Cheong’s stead.
Swept away to the Spirit Realm, a magical city of lesser gods
and mythical beasts, Mina seeks out the Sea God, only to find him caught in an
enchanted sleep. With the help of a mysterious young man named Shin—as well as
a motley crew of demons, gods and spirits—Mina sets out to wake the Sea God and
bring an end to the killer storms once and for all.
But she doesn’t have much time: A human cannot live long in
the land of the spirits. And there are those who would do anything to keep the
Sea God from waking…
Thank you NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton to give me
this beautiful ARC book because I love it so much!
The first thing that made me fall in love with this book was
the beautiful cover. There are 2 versions and both are beautiful in my opinion,
so those who want to buy the physical book will be very confused when they see
the cover of this book which is super beautiful. Besides that, reading the
blurb is also very interesting. And it also raised the legend in Korea. I
really like the type of fantasy that raises urban legends like this.
As the title suggests, this book is mostly set under the sea
but in a version of the spirit world. Many say on Goodreads that this book is
similar to Spirited Away. I watched the movie a long time ago, maybe when I was
in middle school or high school, so I don't really remember but both are in the
spirit world. This can be a benchmark for you who like Spirited Away, maybe you
will like this book too.
This book has a very beautiful world! Because the author is
able to describe the atmosphere in the spirit world very well, so I also can
easily imagine it. There are palaces or big houses (think like old Korean
houses), then a bustling city atmosphere, festivals, not to mention there are
many gods and also mythological creatures such as dragon, imoogi and many more. When I
read this book, I was very comfortable with the world that was introduced.
The conflict was clear and carried away easily. The main
conflict is about how Mina can make Sea God not angry anymore and make her
village safe and peaceful. However, behind that there are still several other
conflicts that are raised but do not interfere with the main storyline, it
actually makes it more complete. Moreover, there is a really unexpected plot
twist here for me! Apart from being clearly stated, the conflict was also well
resolved. Didn't leave any questions and was very satisfied with all the
For the characters here, I really like all of them! Come to
think of it, there really aren't any really bad characters here. Moreover, the
gods that exist are also not considered evil even though they cause chaos, in
fact their stories can be said to be sad too.
Mina's closeness to the characters here is really
extraordinary. There are many unexpected characters around Mina that make this
book so many surprises. Mina's relationship with other characters is also very
close but what I like the most is definitely Mina and Shin! Their relationship
is mutual. Every time Mina has a problem there must be Shin beside her and if
Shin is not fine there must be Mina. Moreover, their relationship is also quite
difficult because Mina goes down to the sea to be the bride of the Sea God but
she cares more about Shin! Anyway, their relationship is really sweet! Full of
sacrifice and high level of trust.
Because love can't be bought or earned or even prayed for. It must be freely given. And I have given my heart to someone, but he is not the Sea God.
This book is successful in elevating the relationship between
family, friendship and love. Mina is not a physically strong character, but she
is smart, brave and really loves the people around her, Mina really gives up a
lot of things for the people she loves. Here Mina is my favourite character in
this book!
I rate 4.5/5 for this book! The book is really good,
touching and I really like the description of their world in this book. And
here there are also Korean folk stories read by Mina, because she is a smart storyteller,
making this book even more complete. I really recommend it for those who like
fantasy books with a touch of folklore with a very beautiful world!
I can't wait to read this one!
ReplyDeleteThis is so good and I wish it could be as good as your expectation too!
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ReplyDelete*adding to tbr*
Dari sejak pertama kali lihat covernya, aku udah dibuat naksir banget 😍. Betul banget, baik cover UK/US keduanya sama-sama bagusss!! Gimana coba harus memilih kalau dua-duanya cantik banget? 😍
Dan berhubung Kak Tika sebagai pecinta novel fantasy memberi rating cukup tinggi untuk buku ini, berarti aku harus masukkan ke dalam tbr list nih 🤣. Oiya, untuk pacednya sendiri gimana Kak? Dan writing stylenya seringan di XOXO nggak?
Bener kaaaan aku juga jatuh cinta bangetttt sama covernya Li, bagus bangettt
DeleteHarus Li! Ceritanya enak dan dunia fantasy nya juga enggak memusingkan sama sekali! Pacednya termasuk sedang ya dan writing style-nya oke sih menurutku, mudah dipahami dan ringan juga kayak di XOXO
Udah masuk antrianku di Libby karena review dari Kak Tikaa!! Wkwkwk tapi antriannya panjang banget, padahal bukunya belum rilis 😂😂
DeleteBtw Kak Tika udah baca The Red Palace by June Hur? Atau tertarik untuk baca, nggak?
Kayaknya karena cerita blurb-nya aja menarik jadi orang-orang semangat banget mau baca ini ya...
DeleteBelommm tapi aku udah pernah liat buku ini dibahas dan blurb-nya seruuu kayak drama wkwkwk tapi setting-nya di masa lampau gitu... aku sih tertarik buat baca ini Li.
I couldn't agree mre about the cover! Cakeeeep bangeet. Kalau ada yg jual buku fisiknya di sini aku juga mau nyari ah. Hhehee.. Apalagi tema urband legend dipadukan sama fantasi kaya gini tipe2 fav genre aku banget. ^^ Makasii rekomendasinya Mba Tikaa..
ReplyDeleteBangettt emang Mbaaa! Karena Mba Thessa suka fantasy aku rekomendasiin banget buku ini Mba! Apalagi buat di koleksi, cakep banget emangggg